How to Use Technology to Improve Customer Service

There’s no denying the fact that customer service is important to a small or mid-sized business. The quality of that service will either enhance or degrade customer loyalty to your brand and your business. With the economy in recession, customers have more alternatives than ever. The business that proves to be responsive to customer questions, complaints, or other needs can gain a clear competitive advantage. That’s why it’s so important to understand how new technologies can help you anticipate customer needs, tailor business processes to best serve customers, and ultimately improve the efficiency of your business – the latter of which can keep costs down.

Customer Service Technology

There are a few major areas in which technology now is able to help provide key advantages to businesses in engendering customer loyalty by improving customer service:

  • Websites. Providing areas on your website where customers can answer their own questions or seek answers from others.
  • E-mail. Using e-mail as a way to improve customer service and more quickly respond to certain needs or help requests.
  • Communications. Unifying communications so that you know that the customer who left a voice mail also sent an e-mail with the same request a few days ago.
  • Software. Better managing customer relationships with more sophisticated data-gathering tools, such as customer relationship management software.

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